I send to all of Rob’s friends, virtual and real-life and family my deepest most heartfelt condolences. I’m not much of a crier, but Rob’s passing has me in tears. The well of me was filled with humor and community because of his being. That well ran deep and provided the purest sustenance anyone could hope for or dream of. I feel like the plug has been pulled and the well is now dry. I give thanks for being part of the Joke Zoom Community, a community I feel is lost because of our loss. I will miss you Rob Cioffi. Thank you for being a part of me and allowing me to be a part of you. I hug all of you in our times of grief.
Honestly it feels like a punch in the gut and you never saw it coming. Rob was one of the most honest, kindest, generous people I ever met. I could always rely on hm keeping everything real. He was patient and always sought to bring the best out of everyone he worked with. I feel totally lost without his guidance. He made this world a better place. Because of him, the comedy community is a much better place. I take comfort knowing that he has been called home to be with our Lord but I selfishly wish he was back here, running the Joke Zoom meetings and helping me finish the joke about “A PENGUIN, A RABBI AND A PRIEST WALK INTO A BAR”. Rob was a blessing.
To Rob’s family and loved ones, I offer my most sincere condolences. I met Rob in the late nineties. I had just dropped out of computer school due to finances and was in dire need of a job. An agency sent me to Cablevision and Rob interviewed me. I was nervous, as expected, but he conducted the interview in a nice smooth and comfortable manner. I answered the bulk of his questions to the best of my ability and in instances where I had no clue…I told him so. He hired me anyway and because my first supervisor. He was an awesome technical support supervisor and was very empathetic when irate customers called and gave us extremely bad times. He was so empathetic he bought little green, plastic toy soldiers with guns and handed them to everyone in the call center to put on our desks. LOL. He left us and entered the comedy industry. We were in touch every now and then on Facebook and I can vouch that he was definitely a man of God. Rest in Peace my friend until we meet again.
I send to all of Rob’s friends, virtual and real-life and family my deepest most heartfelt condolences. I’m not much of a crier, but Rob’s passing has me in tears. The well of me was filled with humor and community because of his being. That well ran deep and provided the purest sustenance anyone could hope for or dream of. I feel like the plug has been pulled and the well is now dry. I give thanks for being part of the Joke Zoom Community, a community I feel is lost because of our loss. I will miss you Rob Cioffi. Thank you for being a part of me and allowing me to be a part of you. I hug all of you in our times of grief.
Honestly it feels like a punch in the gut and you never saw it coming. Rob was one of the most honest, kindest, generous people I ever met. I could always rely on hm keeping everything real. He was patient and always sought to bring the best out of everyone he worked with. I feel totally lost without his guidance. He made this world a better place. Because of him, the comedy community is a much better place. I take comfort knowing that he has been called home to be with our Lord but I selfishly wish he was back here, running the Joke Zoom meetings and helping me finish the joke about “A PENGUIN, A RABBI AND A PRIEST WALK INTO A BAR”. Rob was a blessing.
To Rob’s family and loved ones, I offer my most sincere condolences. I met Rob in the late nineties. I had just dropped out of computer school due to finances and was in dire need of a job. An agency sent me to Cablevision and Rob interviewed me. I was nervous, as expected, but he conducted the interview in a nice smooth and comfortable manner. I answered the bulk of his questions to the best of my ability and in instances where I had no clue…I told him so. He hired me anyway and because my first supervisor. He was an awesome technical support supervisor and was very empathetic when irate customers called and gave us extremely bad times. He was so empathetic he bought little green, plastic toy soldiers with guns and handed them to everyone in the call center to put on our desks. LOL. He left us and entered the comedy industry. We were in touch every now and then on Facebook and I can vouch that he was definitely a man of God. Rest in Peace my friend until we meet again.