Jane Sharpe

jane sharpe

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  1. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Jane’s family. As neighbors we were very fond of your Mom. We had many lovely chats on our lawns over the years, and she always had special greetings for our pets. May her memory live in your hearts.

  2. Dear family of Mrs Sharpe,
    my name is Pia-Kristina Garde and I knew Charles Jr a little bit many years ago. He was a lovely person, that I had wished to get to know better.

    After his passing I got in touch with Mrs Sharpe and we stayed in touch for many years. But during the last years I understood that it was difficult for her to find stamps to Sweden. Another friend from San Francisco called on my behalf, and they had a nice conversation. Today I decided to write again, but stopped my self, before I wrote on the envelope, thinking that at her age things may have happened, so I wrote her name and address, and this came up. I am so sorry.
    Mrs Sharpe told me, that Charles was not buried, that she wanted to be buried with him. I hope this has now happened.
    I would be so pleased to hear from you.
    Please get back to me!
    Yours sincerely,
    Pia-Kristina Garde Svensson (earlier Svenhard.)

  3. Dear Family!
    I am sorry for your loss. I knew Charles J from California, and I am sorry that I never got to meet Mrs Sharpe. She was always very friendly.
    I am writing from Sweden.
    I have also left a private message to you.With a question.
    Take care,

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