I remember George Wakefield from high school.He was “Buddy Wakefield then.Knew him a few years after he returned from Nam.i lregret I lost contact with people from that era of my life.George was a good fellow with a good heart and I am glad to have known him I considered him a nice guy and am sorry he has passed. Charles Jones(chuckjones 7347@gmail.com)
I went to Smithtown Central with George”Buddy”,Wakefield.He was a good man,and a good person to talk to.I just recently became aware of his passing and am sad to hear it. Charles Jones,Chuckjones7347@gmail.com
I remember George Wakefield from high school.He was “Buddy Wakefield then.Knew him a few years after he returned from Nam.i lregret I lost contact with people from that era of my life.George was a good fellow with a good heart and I am glad to have known him I considered him a nice guy and am sorry he has passed. Charles Jones(chuckjones 7347@gmail.com)
I went to Smithtown Central with George”Buddy”,Wakefield.He was a good man,and a good person to talk to.I just recently became aware of his passing and am sad to hear it. Charles Jones,Chuckjones7347@gmail.com
I remember George ,he was a high school classmate a Vietnam vet and a good guy.Sorry he passed away.